Tuesday, April 27, 2010

If you know me you know that I've always been a bit of a rebel...and if you don't, well....I opened a business at the age of 28 during the worst recession in America since the great depression, 'nuff said.

Keeping with my rebel ways, I thought the blog was overrated, but after a year in business I realize there is so much information I want to share with you that I've learned during my years studying and working in fashion, styling and image consulting, and there just isn't enough time to tell you about them on the sales floor. So, here I am succumbing to the rest of the world, and starting a blog where I can do just that.

You won't see constant updates on celebrity gossip, or hear me telling you to wear something just because a celebrity wears it because truthfully, who cares...and to be truly fashionable we must wear what we love and what looks good on us, staying appropriate for the occasion of course. I'm here to help you along the way and teach you some tips and tricks on how to do just that. Don't worry, I'll update you on the latest so called trends...(we'll pretend for that moment it didn't start with a celebrity) and how you can wear it in your real life. I look forward to sharing my knowledge with you, and hope you like it too!

xoxo J

P.S. I apologize in advance if I break my rules about celebrity fashion. You never know what may happen...and I am a rebel after all ;)

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